Ecuador is Country number 55. I was happy to arrive here, as it was sunny and warm. Quito is the second highest national capital in the world at 9,350 ft elevation. Before my trip I worried that the elevation might affect me, but I felt nothing at all in the cities.
Unlike Bogota, Quito has a well maintained and extensive old town. I walked for hours through it.
Quito also has a strong tourism infrastructure. I was able to book a day tour to Otavalo and a day tour to hike up part of Cotopaxi volcano for $35 each.
Quito has a great central location for tourists, La Mariscal, aka "Gringolandia". There you will find the tour agencies, hotels and hostels for any budget, and great restaurants and bars.
These two guys tried to pickpocket me right outside my hotel in mid afternoon. The shorter one then called "Senor! Senor!" and pointed to something on my back with an outstretched hand offering a napkin. I was about to stop and investigate this yellow crap on my back, when I saw someone else moving towards me from the other direction, and I remembered hearing about this particular scam where someone squirts something on you and gets your attention by cleaning it off, while a third party picks your pocket or steals your bag. Instead I changed directions and just walked away from both of them. Once in my hotel I discovered it was mustard covering my jacket, backpack, and jeans. After cleaning everything and changing clothes, I left the hotel to find the bastards still loitering nearby.
Quito has a visible minority of indigenous people who wear traditional dress which includes a bowler hat for women. Sadly, the main occupation for these folks seems to be selling lottery tickets, gum, and cigarettes.
I had a footwear disaster in Quito. My biker boots have been wearing down over the years, and on this day the heel of one tore right off, leaving me with bare wood on slippery cobblestones. I limped past a few shoe stores and was directed to this fellow's shop. He replaced the rubber heels on both boots while I waited for just $5. His wife even sewed a rip in my sweater for a buck.
The motorcyclist on the ground just got run down by the white truck right in front of me. A crowd gathered to pass judgement on the incident. The verdict seemed to be in favor of the biker, and the truck driver was made to pull off to the side to wait for the cops.
A beautiful blue sky above my hotel. Such a relief to see the sun after 5 rainy days in Bogota.