77 Countries STAMPED!

My goal is to visit every country in the world, and this blog will document it.

So far I've been to 77 countries, which means I have about 119 to go.
Here is where I've been recently:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave, Belize

Today I did a tour into a cave called Aktun Tunichil Muknal. We hiked a couple miles through the jungle and then went deeeeeep into this cave that has a river running though it. We had to swim through the cave in parts! We had headlamps, it was pitch black, slippery. Not too claustrophobic and tight, except in one or two places. Once we had hiked/swum in a half mile or so, we climbed to a dry section where the Maya had performed religious ceremonies. There were broken pots everywhere that had not been touched in over a thousand years! They just found the cave in 1989. In the far back end of the cave there was the big finish....HUMAN SACRIFICES! Yep, remains of at least 14 people that were sacrificed to the gods 12-13 centuries ago. I got pictures of skulls and one complete intact skeleton. Pretty cool. Although, the price you paid for getting to see that was being wet and cold in a cave for four hours. So, tomorrow I'm off to Belize CIty again to meet the folks and then we fly a puddle jumper to the coast. I'm currently in negotiations for transport tomorrow. One guy has offered to take me there at 7am for $37, I'll probably end up going with him. Another American guy from today's tour said he might be able to get me a ride, I have to go check in with him.

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