77 Countries STAMPED!

My goal is to visit every country in the world, and this blog will document it.

So far I've been to 77 countries, which means I have about 119 to go.
Here is where I've been recently:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cuzco, Peru

Cuzco takes your breath away, literally.  11,000ft elevation gave me a very slight headache, and leaden legs when climbing stairs.

You'll see many Inca walls in a trip to Peru, but none more perfectly sculpted than those in the ancient capitol of Cuzco.  Today banks and houses are built on top of the original fifteenth century walls.
Everywhere in Peru we see four foot tall old ladies carrying massive loads slung on their backs.  We never saw a single Peruvian man carrying anything.
This family brought a llama and an alpaca to the edge of town so tourists could pet them, take pictures and give a "propina" or tip.
These bizarre ski masks are sold all over and I had to have one.

The giant doors of the Cathedral on the Cuzco Plaza de Armas

These ladies had a baby llama for picture-taking followed by a propina, which, no matter how much you gave them was not enough.

Peruvians consider "Cuy" or guinea pigs a delicacy.

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